And finally use the Slice Edit Mode to draw on slices of your matrix on a 2D canvas. Use the Matrix Edit Mode to sculpt in 3D and to apply modifier on a selection of cubes. Qubicle provides three edit modes to ease your work: use the Model Edit Mode to create and arrange multiple voxel matrices and to modify them with modifier like stretch, mirror, noise, combine etc. Multiple of these smaller matrices form a complex model. A matrix is small group of voxels that can be easily selected, moved and edited.
To make editing of complex models made of millions of voxels simple, Qubicle Constructor introduces the concept of matrices.
To start your model simply drag and drop a bitmap on the canvas to import it as voxels or create a standard primitive like a box or a sphere. You are provided with familiar tools like the pencil, the eraser or the paint bucket to draw your models on a 2D canvas and to sculpt in 3D. Working with Qubicle is as easy as drawing conventional 2D pixel art only in 3D. Qubicle provides multiple import and export routines to smoothly integrate into game development, print or 3D animation production pipelines. Qubicle Constructor is a voxel editor for Microsoft Windows designed to make complex 3D models based on voxels easy to build, modify and export.
#Qubicle voxel editor free archive#
Inside the archive there is "crack" folder wich contains everything you need to crack the software.
#Qubicle voxel editor free cracked#
This is the full cracked version of the software. RAW Paste Data Qubicle Constructor Voxel 3D Editor Master Edition v1.6.0